My name is Orsolya (Ursula in German), born in Sathmar Hungary and I am 41 years old.

During my time in Budapest, I had a blind boyfriend, Thomas, for two and a half years. Apart from the fact that he was blind from birth and couldn’t even see the light, he enjoyed and experienced life and all its beauties to the full.

At one exhibition, the museum attendant shouted at him when he tried to touch a painting that he wasn’t allowed to. So I started making paintings like that, which were allowed to be touched.

Through Thomas, I learnt about the interests and everyday life of blind people. He completely changed my interpretation of shapes and colours, and my idea of art in general. Thomas introduced me to the world of sounds, flavours, types of music, spices and fabrics, so I started making things with them.

I have been organising exhibitions for sighted and non-sighted or visually impaired people in Hungary for over 18 years.