Even as a child, I loved to draw, especially skulls—something that even led me to the school psychologist. My first encounter with Giger’s art came when my father had to get a copy of Giger’s *Necronomicon* for a colleague. My mother showed me the book because she knew my interests. It fascinated me so much that I couldn’t put it down. Since the first few pages soon started falling out, I was allowed to keep it, and I still have it to this day.

Later, I got to know H.R. Giger personally. A photographer friend introduced me to him, and he became interested in my work. I sent him some photos, and to my surprise, he called me a few days later. He discussed each image with me, gave valuable advice, and we had many late-night phone conversations. A genuine friendship developed, and I was even allowed to work in his studio. Hansruedi Giger struck me as a warm-hearted, generous person—one of the greatest artists of all time, in my view.